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Face it, the web is where it’s at these days.

Every day, more and more people are turning to the internet to find information, shop or entertain themselves.

US Census figures show over 70-percent of US households are now using the internet to search for information, news and weather and to correspond by email.

That’s why we launched Outdoors New Mexico!

To attract, retain and return readers to our pages for the latest news, info, links and feature stories about New Mexico’s many, great, outdoor recreational activities.

And that creates a very unique advertising opportunity for any outdoor recreation, related business to target a very specific customer base.

An ad in Outdoors New Mexico provides a distinct advantage over traditional means of advertising in the newspaper, a magazine or the yellow pages, mediums which are all in decline in readership and reach.

Outdoors New Mexico can provide widespread and extended exposure across the greatest medium on the planet, the internet.

And an ad featured in Outdoors New Mexico can deliver your message 24 hours a day, 365 days a year directly to those specifically searching for information tied to your business.

In buying an ad, sponsoring a section or helping underwrite our operations you lend support to a vital, new medium, targeting your industry with invaluable coverage and exposure.

Outdoors New Mexico will strive to promote New Mexico based businesses and can offer custom advertising options including web development services, business promotion and sponsorship opportunities.

Drop us an email message today and let’s see what we can do for you.

Contact Us

Or contact by mail:

The Publisher
Outdoors New Mexico
PO BOX 4892, White Rock, N.M. 87544